Welcome to Shade!

Shade helps tattoo artists automate their bookings by giving you highly customizable tools to improve automation, communication, and reporting.

In this guide, we'll walk you through advanced configuration items to get you setup with Shade!

Modify your Artist Portal Default Page

The Artist Portal's Default page is the page that is shown immediately after loggin into https://shadeapp.io/portal. By Default, the Dashboard page is used as the home page, but you can choose a different page(Profile-Inquiries-Messages-Bookings). To modify which page is the Default one, navigate to Menu>Settings>General>Home page. Then select which page you'd like to use. Once you've selected a page, scroll to the bottom and click the Save button.

Modify your Daily Working Hours

By Default, the daily working hours used are 9am to 5pm, but you can choose a different hours. To modify the daily working hours, navigate to Menu>Settings>General>Daily working hours. Then enter which hours you'd like to use. Once you've entered your desired hours, scroll to the bottom and click the Save button.

Modify Session Defaults

By Default, the Default Booking Length is set to 2 hours, the Default Deposit Percentage is set to 40% of the entire Session Price, and the Default Price for the entire Session is set to 200. You can choose a different Default Booking Length, a different Default Deposit Percentage, and a different Default Price. To modify those, navigate to Menu>Settings. Then enter which values you'd like to use. Once you've entered those, scroll to the bottom and click the Save button.

Add, Modify, or Arrange your Storefront Photos

To add, modify, or arragne your Storefront Photos, navigate to Menu>Profile>the scroll down to Storefront. Then click to add images and ensure that the aspect ratio for the images is close to 9:16. Once there are images, you can click on the red X to remove those images and add new ones. To arrange the images already uploaded, you can click on the arrows to move their order left or right.

Should you have any further questions, please contact our Support Team and we'll gladly assist you!